Navdata Beta - Installation Aborted


I fail to install the MSFS Beta Client on Win 10, downloaded from the link in this this How-to post. After roughly 1/3 of the progress the installer stops with the “Installation Aborted - Setup was not completed successfully” status.

I first tried the single-user option (as suggested in the threat) and also the multiple-user option. I also tried several paths and made sure I had the rights to access them.

I could not find any other topic mentioning this issue, though this seems similar for another program which is why I made sure to have all Navigraph folders in /ProgramFiles/ or /.AppData/ deleted. In my Windows Apps & Features there is an entry “Navigraph 1.0.0-beta.23” listed. However, I cannot run this uninstaller because Windows can’t find the specified executable (because the path does not exist).

BTW I have not had any previous version installed. This is my first contact with Navigraph software.
I welcome any ideas that might help to successfully install the client.



Please follow this instruction (but replace app name with Navigraph 1.0.0): FAQ - Charts desktop installer fails immediately



Thank you Stephen,
Installation completed successfully.


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Hallo, es funktioniert nicht. Wo kann ich die Charts herunterladen? Die Installation wird sofort abgebrochen. Ich kann auch kein App-Namen ersetzen.



which installation? What do you mean with charts … the Navigraph Navdata Installer don’t include charts. Its only necessary for the MSFS2020 update as the OP in this category asked.

When you mean the Desktop Charts, than please reopen a new topic in the correct category or you use the cloud charts, than you don’t need to install anything …


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