Using the Cessna Citation Longittude in MSFS2024, when setting up the autopilot, with a flight plan entered and the navigation source properly set to FMS, it is impossible to engage NAV mode, either from the aircraft panel or from a keyboard mapped command. The NAV command remains inactive and the autopilot does not perform the navigation set in the flight plan. Since I use Navgraph add-ons (even in 2020), I removed all the Navigrapg beta plugin add-ons from my community folder (using Navigraph hub) and tried flying the Citation and had no issues.
So I put these plugins back one at a time and tested them to see which one was giving me problems. Before removing them, I checked if any of them needed an update via Navigraph Hub, to exclude that an update could also be the problem. So I re-enabled the plugins one by one to find out which one was causing the problem and found out that the error was caused by installing the beta avionics plugins G1000 v2 Beta1, G3000 /G5000 v2 Beta3, G3X v2 Beta1. With the AIRAC, EFB and SimBrief plugins installed it all seems to work great. Hope this helps for a workaround for Navigraph on betas to fix the bug with MSFS2024 Asobo Longitude
Hello! Thank you for the feedback!
I will try to reproduce this as soon as possible. In the meantime, this reminds me of this post:
This would point to the AIRAC data being the issue, which would not surprise me, given that the AIRAC package is currently in beta (for reasons mentioned in that linked topic). I’ll also investigate for myself, but are you sure that the autopilot issue comes from a plugin? The only plugin used in your case is the G3000/G5000 plugin. The others are never loaded.
It puzzles me a bit because the plugin is not doing anything that would interfere with the autopilot. Peculiar indeed, we shall investigate!
You’re saying that you can reproduce this if you only have the G3000/5000 plugin installed, nothing else (especially not our beta AIRAC)?
Kind Regards,
I have now tried to reproduce this, but I cannot. I only installed the G3000 plugin (the others can’t possibly affect the Longitude as the simulator never loads them) and then tried with or without our navigation data.
Without our beta AIRAC
With our beta AIRAC
In both scenarios, NAV engages without any issues. This was my route:
Are you still having this issue? If so, can you provide me with a sample flightplan that I can try? Also, please try the above scenarios:
- Remove all Navigraph packages
- Install only the G3000/G5000 plugin
- Try with a specific route - does it work?
- Install our navigation data and try again. Does it work?
Please let me know your results, along with a route that I can use to try it myself.
Kind Regards,
Hy Malte,
I think I found the problem! I followed your instructions and loading only the G3000/G5000 plugin, with the flight plan you indicated, everything worked perfectly. When I loaded the remaining plugins the NAV mode would not work again. Then I checked the Community folder and noticed that two versions of the Navigraph EFB charts app v1 had been installed, one was beta3 and the other beta7 (??) I deleted the two folders and uninstalled Navigraph HUB then reinstalled it and reloaded all the plugins and checked the community folder. It correctly reported only Navigraph EFB charts app v1 beta 3, and once the flight was loaded the NAV mode worked perfectly. I have no idea why two different versions of the plugin were loading. Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards
Ah! Thanks for sharing your findings.
That may indeed have been a problem, I know that some early beta of the EFB apps (Both Charts and SimBrief) contained a version of the MSFS SDK that was incompatible with the one used in the EFB, which caused some odd issues. It’s not impossible that this affected your situation, but that should be fixed since a couple versions ago!
Let me know if the issue comes up again!
Kind Regards,
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