What is the current state of Navigraph?

I’m on MSFS2024, SU1b5. Navigraph Hub with Cycle 2502 rev.1 Beta installed.

I’ve tried posting on the forums to provide more data on what I am seeing, but I don’t see a lot of information about what to specifically expect as a user as of 2502.

My current experience is very poor:

  • Using the g5000 plugin, random flight plans fail to import, and things get stuck (just says “importing” in the FMS)
  • Using the airac data, even if I type in the flight plan myself, the “FMS” “crashes” and won’t connect legs / allow Direct To / allow NAV mode until a sim restart.

I have tried the posted workarounds (the package priority hint, cache clearing, removing community folder data, reinstalling navigraph) - nothing is reliably working.

I have also been helping other people in a community I fly with troubleshoot similar issues. It seems like it reduces down to the AIRAC data itself being broken somehow.

What should I be telling them? I had been telling everyone to await 2502, but 2502 is providing no relief. I love Navigraph, but this situation is disruptive to the point of being untenable. Most folks don’t want to troubleshoot, they just say “uninstall”.

Are there fixes coming in the next day or two? I want to emphasize that there are a substantial number of folks hitting issues with Navigraph of this manner in the community I am in, but they are not posting here. They are just uninstalling.


The AIRAC package we are talking about is explicitly labeled as beta. A flawless experience is not guaranteed, unfortunately.

Yes, there are issues in the navigation data, and we are working on ironing them all out with each revision as we figure out undocumented incompatibilities by trial and error. We are hoping to issue an updated revision of 2502 with some additional fixes before the end of the cycle! I’ll keep you posted!

If you have any specific details on specific broken aspects, please do let us know!

Kind Regards,

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Thank you so much for this response!

In terms of the package being labeled beta - is there a way to not use it? It seems like it’s the only option in Navigraph Hub. If there’s a way to pick a specific version, I will share it with the folks having trouble!

With regards to specific aspects - I posted details in the G1000 Flight Plan importing stuck thread, as well as outlined the two general issues in my post. If there is specific technical detail which would be helpful to gather for you, I would be glad to do so, but I don’t know what I am looking for!

Thank you!

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No, we have not yet released any stable version of our navigation data for MSFS since we have not yet been able to iron out all the unknowns. If the simulator documentation had been complete from day one, or if we had gotten access to the simulator before release, the story might have been different! This is currently the main priority for our navigation data team.

I see. I was just wondering if you had any specific information that would back this statement:

Such details would be more than welcome, as they are likely the result of incomplete documentation! I have noted your posts in this topic, included for reference

We’re working full-time on this and will release updates as we progress. We appreciate your patience!

Kind Regards,

Oh! Yes!

I tried to help a user in our community who was having the FMS crash repeatedly (and I could reproduce similar with various flight plans). I based this on a screenshot this user sent me showing that all Navigraph plugins were uninstalled, except for the AIRAC and the EFB plugin.

We went step by step over discord to confirm that they were entering the flight plan by hand correctly, and then confirmed the issue (the primary symptom: the NAV magenta line wouldn’t “connect”, and then you couldn’t use the FMS for anything else, such as DCT some other waypoint)

The specific flight plan in question was:


To confirm:
By “entering manually” you mean directly adding the waypoints into an Airbus FMS? So not via airways, not via load flightplan or similar - simple add the waypoint sequence on the legs page of the FMS? Right?

What stock Airbus have you used?

Cheers & thank you

No Airbus involved. G5000 is Longitude FMS.

I believe all options were tried and seemed to have issues - navigraph g5000 plugin, g5000 plugin uninstalled, airways via entry in FMS, direct entry of waypoints (no airways), skipping waypoints, sync from MSFS EFB. Only uninstalling the AIRAC data reliably resolves the issue.

It wasn’t clear exactly at what point things were breaking, because it didn’t seem to break while entering the data (except for when the g5000 plugin would get stuck “importing”), only when trying to enable NAV mode / looking up and seeing that the map/magenta line was not connected and there was no DTG estimate from the FMS.

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