Importing flightplan in MSFS2024 Longitude stuck

  • MSFS2024 SU1.
  • EFB App v1.0.0
  • Avionics Plugin v2.0.0
  • AIRAC Cycle 2502 rev.1 Beta

What I expected to happen.

Using the EFB app, importing the flightplan should correctly import and activate the flightplan, allowing for use with the navigation systems.

What actually happened

Flightplan imports, but does not add all waypoints. I assume this is because there is an airway in the flightplan, UTUNA M609 BELGU. Departure procedure UTUNA1A. Importing this adds UTUNA, but stops there. This completely kills the navigation system, requiring a restart of the flight.

I have the same symptoms as in MSFS2024 Beta plugin cause malfunctions in Asobo Longitude AutoPilot - #4 by KULBIT, however i do not have multiple instances of the EFB app installed it seems.

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

It sounds like this could be navigation data related, see related topic below. We shall try to reproduce based on the details you provided regardless!

Kind Regards,