MSFS - EETU - Misaligned glide slope

I’ve created custom scenery for EETU (Tartu airport) and noticed that with navigraph navdata glide slope (ILS RWY26) is misaligned - plane’s about 100ft higher above rwy26 threshold than it should be.

Then I’ve checked default scenery and it was the same story.

Data on chart from navigraph corresponds to eaip (

AFAIK custom ILS from my scenery will be always overwritten by navigraph navdata (if installed) so asking for help. Please correct me if there’s a way to still use custom ILS with navdata installed.

P.S. You might notice that LOC is also slightly misaligned while using custom scenery but it’s an issue of the scenery itself

thanks for the report - after my analyzing, I have figured out the issue with the slightly wrong threshold height. I will solve this and will create a new revision in the next days. Thanks again for your help!

I will inform you here, when it´s done and the new revision is out.


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When you don´t want to use our data for EETU, you must set your scenery at the bottom, after/below our package navigraph-navdata … but be aware, you loose all SIDs/STARs too if you delete it in your scenery.

Could be, I don´t know your scenery - what we make is to adjust the loc-antenna slightly that the aligment is correct, but we use the stock-scenery runways as reference. When your runway-coordinates slightly different, it could be a small offset, depending of your runway-coordinates comparing with stock runway coordinates.


Revision 3 is out, which should be fixed the wrong glideslope elevation. I have tested EETU ILS 26 now, it looks a perfect touchdown now …


I’ve tested rev3 and it’s really working as it should now. Thank you!

Great, thank you very much for the feedback and of course the hint to this small but not unimportant issue :wink:

Have a nice evening,

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