Hello, I have this problem and I looked over other threads but didn’t really find a solution. A similar thread here has been made but it was closed due to found solution for the OP. Moving Maps @running simulatore could not be detected. I do not see dll.xml file in my FSX:SE folder as suggested.
How should I get over this?
Thank you very much
P/S: Here is also the Simlink log that you might need it. simlink_2021-12-29.dlog (933 Bytes)
I suggest you start from scratch with latest Charts and Simlink . Please disable any Antivirus and Firewall.
In Simlink Plugin Settings uninstall Simlink plugin from your FS , then completely uninstall Simlink and Charts using Windows Programs and Features exactly as under .
Hi again Ian,
I have done what you suggested but the problem still remains
What you also tell me the name of the plugin file located in FSX:SE folder, because I found another thread Moving Maps @running simulatore could not be detected that I do not see dll.xml file in my FSX:SE folder as suggested. Does this also relating to this problem?
Are you saying you don’t have a c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX-SE\dll.xml or the dll.xml doesn’t have the following Simlink reference in it ?
I think I’ve got it this time. I noticed that there is two FSX folder under APPDATA: FSX & FSX-SE.
The FSX-SE has your suggested Simlink entry in dll.xml but another folder (FSX) doesn’t. So I added the entry in the dll.xml in folder FSX as well. And it worked.
Thank you so much for your fast reply and I wish you a good day. And happy new year too