Hi - saw topic regarding STARs missing for YBBN and understand why STARs for 01L aren’t showing up but I’ve found a STAR which is also valid for 01R that isn’t showing.
GOMOL1A has a version for both 01L and 01R but doesn’t show up in the list of STARs for 01R. Just wondering if this is intended or not?
as I wrote in the answers of the other topics - in that moment, where a terminal procedure can’t assign to the corresponding runway (ie due missing runway in MSFS, due old runway-idents in MSFS, …) The sim supress ALL STARs and not only the STARs which can’t be assigned.
Thats a sim logic/limitation and we can’t do anything for that. All STARs are included for YBBN (you see this ie. in LNM), but the sim doesn’t shown it due the limitation. Sorry.