Map tiles sometimes not loading all details

In the last week or so, I’ve begun to notice that map tiles are often failing to load all details properly in the in-game panel. If I zoom in/out, the tile details may then appear, but its neighbours are then missing or lacking detail. If I return to the original zoom, the ‘mostly blank’ tile returns.

Closing and reopening the in-game panel has no effect either. Same issue remains.

Here’s an example, where two mostly-blank tiles are easy to see:

If I zoom in a fraction, a different tile is missing detail:

Switching to night mode sometimes results in all details shown, but sometimes other tiles are affected instead.

On the IFR low-level map, the effects can be similar, it’s not VFR-map specific. Day mode is OK:

But night mode… not so much!

Is this a server-side issue or a local cache problem that I can take steps to clear? I’m not really up-to-speed on the details behind how the service works in any detail.

Settings & version:

Changing the map scale can make some tiles appear & others disappear, just like changing day/night mode.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

I can confirm the same issue. I experience it on Simbrief Dispatch and in the PMDG 737 tablet. I use the IFR HIGH chart mostly, so that’s where I see the missing tiles. I’m not experiencing the issue within the Navigraph iPad App, or Windows App.



We have identified and fixed an issue with one of our servers. Please try it again now! Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,


Hi Stephen, many thanks for the quick response and fix. I’m glad it was a (hopefully) straightforward and global fix for all.

I will mark it as resolved and report back later if I still have issues :slightly_smiling_face:

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