Manager is only updating one program. (P3Dv5&6)

I downloaded the latest Navigraph FMC Data Manager so I can install the latest Airac in versions 5 & 6, but it’s updating only one version, not both. In settings I see two different folders for 5 and 6.
What can be wrong?
Thanks, Nico

Hi Nico,

As per FAQ - Navigraph updates for FS9, FSX and P3D only,

Navigraph AIRAC updates are for add-ons to FS9, FSX and P3D and do not update these flightsims themselves.

Do you have addons for P3Dv5 and P3Dv6 which are not being updated?


Sorry, I should have told you that it is for active sky P3Dv5 & P3Dv6.
The manager is only updating Active sky 5, not 6.

the auto detection for Active Sky 6 (P3Dv6) will come with 2309. I have just implement it.


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