Airac Cycle not updating ActiveSky P3Dv4

Navigraph Airac Cycle not updating ActiveSky for P3Dv4 since Navigraph have put P3DV4 and P3DV5 together in one update. Does not work using FMS Manager or installing manually. Last working update was 2309. 2310 and 2311 will not update ActiveSky for P3DV4. Needs a patch or bug fix? or keep P3Dv4 and P3DV5 Airac Cycles separate. Please fix ASAP.

yes, there is currently a mismatch in the P3Dv4 and v5 version. The devs from HiFi have given us now a complete list of their products with the exact/correct titles and file locations.

It was a little bit hard for us, to identify the correct version and which dataset will be using in which version, specially that there are multiple versions for the same sim version.

We are currently working on the correct settings and will release it as soon as possible and as soon as we have tested all.

Keep you inform here. Thanks!


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