Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi, and Good Morning,

I very recently got a new system, and now having issues with Flight Sim Commander not being updated. I have used Navigraph charts/ AIRAC cycles for many years, and I absolutely LOVE it.

ALL other mappings ARE being updated. The path that the FMS Data Manager has for FSX-SE is as follows: C:\Aerosoft\FSC10\Database\

When I run Flight Sim Commander, is is stuck on AIRAC cycle 1011, which is EXTREMELY old. I also have MSFS with a PMDG aircraft, and have updated that AIRAC cycle with NO issues.

Looking at the Addon Mappings, it does show the correct cycle is updated. It even shows that it is installed in FSC.

Any Suggestions?

Thank you,

Dennis Stanek

1 Like

Hi Dennis,

Welcome and thank you for signing with your name.

In Addon Mappings, try changing the FSC mapping to C:\Aerosoft\FSC10\

Please let us know how you get on.


Hi Ian,

I changed the mappings like you staled, now . FSC still tells me that’s it’s AIRAC cycle 1011. In other words…no change in the cycle.


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/4/2022 4:09:18 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Dennis,

As a check make sure you run …\FSC10\FSCDbManagerSE.exe

Please post screenshots as below using Guide to posting Screenshots



I hope this helps. On the opening screen on Navigraph they are all green, however, when opening FSC it shows AIRAC 1011.


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/4/2022 8:01:11 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Dennis,

In Settings page the FSX Steam Path should be your FSX Steam Root, i.e. where you FSX.exe is located. For me it is:

Once set and Saved, in Addon Mappings tab, select and remove Flight Sim Commander 9.5.1 (and above) entry, Save, and Scan again. Hopefully Flight Sim Commander 9.5.1 (and above) will now be detected with correct mapping. Press Save.

In Addon List , choose Flight Sim Commander 9.5.1 (and above) and Update.


Good Evening Ian,

I populated in the settings menu, the path to my FSX. I saved the path, removed FSC, and re-scanned. It did NOT locate FSC 9.5 and above. Here is the path…

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX

Now what shall I do?

I have never had this type of issue in the past with Navigraph. Oh, BTW, I did install MSFS2020 also since this is a brand NEW computer! Could that have an impact on the FMS Data Manager?


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/5/2022 3:32:09 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

You will need to +Add in Addon Mappings.

If you post the screenshots that I showed above of your files and folders I can assist.


Hello Ian,

I’m sorry. I didn’t see any screenshots. Can you please re-send?

I am positive that I’m selecting “Flightsim Commander 9.5 and above” in Addon mappings. I used the drop down list. It just is not installing the AIRAC cycle or even Flightsim Commander into the list.


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/5/2022 5:22:41 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

You shouldn’t need manual mapping. Please post screenshot of your FSX Steam path in Settings.

So that we determine where you have install FSC, please post screenshots of your Windows Explorer showing these details:

If you cant read these, just type in the path to your…\FSC10\FSC.exe


Good Morning Ian,

Here are the screenshots that you requested. The AIRAC.ini is completely empty.


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/6/2022 4:18:24 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Ian,

For some god forsaken reason, I forgot to add the “Fixes” file that you requested. It is now attached, and I’m so sorry.


From “Dennis Stanek” <>
To “Navigraph” <>
Date 10/7/2022 8:29:25 AM
Subject Re: [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

(Attachment FIXES.fsc is missing)


The “FIXES” file was too big to send through Email. Can you think of another option Sir?


From “Dennis Stanek” <>
To “Navigraph” <>
Date 10/7/2022 12:57:41 PM
Subject Re[2]: [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Dennis,

In Addon Mappings tab you can add undetected addons, using the +Add button, specifying the addon in the Please select an addon drop down box. In the Install into drop down box, you would navigate to and select C:\Aerosoft\FSC10.


Good Morning Ian,

Thanks for all your help! I tell, I’ve been using FSC for 15+ years, and NEVER had this type of issue or problem in the past!!! THIS IS killing ME! I have Googled until my fingers were bleeding! LOL Would the fact that I’m using WIN 11 now make any difference?

You told me that the proper path for Navigraph FMS to detect FSC is the Root Folder for FXS.exe. That path is C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\FSX. FSX.exe is in that path! Why is it that the FMS is NOT picking it up? I even attempted to change FSC to my D:\ directory, to no avail!

What should I do now? I know you must be tired as hell dealing with me, but I can’t tell you how much I do appreciate it Ian.

Any other suggestions?


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/7/2022 3:00:00 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Dennis,

How did you go with my advice:

In Addon Mappings tab you can add undetected addons, using the +Add button, specifying the addon in the Please select an addon drop down box. In the Install into drop down box, you would navigate to and select C:\Aerosoft\FSC10.


Hi Ian,


I’m so sorry for being such and idiot in this matter. The bottom line is that I now have a full functioning FSC10!!!

I can’t thank you enough for putting up with me! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!


From “Ian via Navigraph” <>
Date 10/8/2022 2:52:16 PM
Subject [Navigraph] [FMS Data/Manager] Data Manager is NOT updating the AIRAC cycle in FSC

Hi Dennis,

You are welcome. I am very pleased it is resolved.

Happy flying.


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