As you can see I downloaded the freeware LTFM scenery after buying Navigraph and now that the navdata is updated with the last navdata of Navigraph, the gates and parking spots are not showing and are not usable like back when I used the default MSFS navdata (it was not broken).
I did the installation properly so what could be the problem?
I know the MSFS2020/24 doesn’t have this airport in the stock scenery, so I’m wondering how you can see the gates …
Anyway, we “created” this airport in MSFS2020 with the runways only but without gates because taxiways are missing and, therefore, they would be useless.
When you use a 3rd party scenery, and this 3rd party scenery has gates included, you should see it. Possibly, the scenery will be loaded before the navdata-base file; that would explain why they are no longer selectable. It could also be a scenery issue …
Thanks for your reply. I could see the gates with the 3rd party scenery I currently installed before (I didn’t have the Navigraph Navdata because I did not have a subscription), but now with the same 3rd party scenery and Navigraph Navdata installed I cannot see them. In conclusion the scenery’s gate information got corrupted after Navigraph Navdata, somehow.
It is a scenery for the LTFM area of the map only, from site made by malioguducu (v1.9.20). I can not share the link because the system detects it as spam.
It is from the well known flightsim site which I can’t share a link of as the system detects it as spam, the one made by malioguducu, version 1.9.20; and it only covers the LTFM area of the map.