LEVD airport missing when Navigraph is on

Hello, I seek your assistance regarding an airport in Spain, specifically LEVD Valladolid Villanubla with the ICAO code. I obtained data from the airhispania website using the following link: http://www.airhispania.com/modpub02.php?tCodigo=20201202131608&tCod=20201202125907.

Upon initiating my flight at LEVD with navigraph enabled, I encountered a conflict with navigraph data. This conflict resulted in the replacement of airhispania’s LEVD airport details, including the runway and other elements, with navigraph data. Consequently, this has impacted the accuracy of the runway and approach lights.

I am seeking guidance on resolving this conflict. Are there any steps or solutions you could recommend?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards!

this is a scenery issue. This scenery is completely outdated and hasn´t include the runway-delete tag, which results in double runways when any other package (like ours) offers also the LEVD runways.
Further, when you look on the runways then you will see that the runway-idents were changed.

Here, what the 3rd party scenery offers:

… and here the reality, which we offer:

Result is also double runways, which we can´t handle … Please report this to the 3rd party scenery designer. In this case, we can´t do anything.

Thank you,

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