Issues with north pole waypoints again

It seems like with the most recent AIRAC update I’m having the ghost north pole waypoints again after loading a .pln file. Everything worked fine last week, and I did not uninstall any of the WUs.

Included is the flight plan.
2023-11-03 Guy Fawkes Day.PLN (3.7 KB)

are this flightplan generated from our chart app? Or from where is this flightplan? It looks that there is a sub node missing.

So, is this flightplan really from our app?


Hello Richard,

Oops yeah, forgot to mention that it was not made from within Navigraph, it was made using the world map (by someone else).

The weird part is that someone else with the Navigraph data was able to open it without any issues :thinking:

it could be two major reasons:

First, you don´t have installed all World-Updates and second the flightplan was created with an old/outdated AIRAC cycle. But in both cases, the mentioned sub-node is missing to work with custom-waypoints. MSFS has here his own logic and don´t need it, it seems but all other 3rd party flightplanning tools need this sub-node to work properly.

I have changed your original flightplan now and have added the missing node. Please try this one, it should work now.

2023-11-03 Guy Fawkes Day - TEST.PLN (4.2 KB)

Here my result:


That indeed works!

Like I said earlier though, I do have all the WUs installed. Not sure then why it didn’t work for me.

I assume an issue in MSFS … but we can’t look deeper into it, or debug it in detail.

The only what we know (and what we also added) was the missing sub node, what we have fixed in our charts. So when you plan and export the flight via our chart app, you cam be sure that the flightplan works as expected.


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