INOP when opening in-game panel

I’m having trouble accessing the flight plan panel. The message INOP Something went wrong appears. Can you help me?

Original post:
> Estou com problema acessar o painel de plano de voo. Aparece a mensagem INOP Algo deu errado. Podem me ajudar?

Hello! Welcome to the Navigraph forum. Please only post in English.

Do you get this issue the first time you open the panel after installing it? Do you get it immediately or after a few seconds? Is it connected to any specific interaction?

Kind Regards,

Hello again!

Did you manage to solve this issue? Or did it disappear?

Kind Regards,

Hello, I have a resolver. If I open it through Chromo I can't, now if I open it through Explore it works fine.

I am confused. You are mentioning Chrome (the browser) and what sounds like Internet Explorer (the super old browser that is officially discontinued, and replaced by Microsoft Edge), none of which are used to display the panel.

Did you mean that you get an INOP message when visiting

Kind Regards,

good morning! I have a problem with Chrome (the browser), I can’t use, it shows the INOP message. I can only use it with “Microsoft Edge”.

Do you get the INOP message immediately when opening the website?

I have added additional logging to your account. Please try using Chrome again and let me know once you have seen the INOP message.

Kind Regards,

Bom dia!

The page opens and after 5 seconds the INOP message appears. With Chromo.

Apologies, it seems that the logging never got applied to your account.

Can you try again now? You should still see the same message, but I should be able to tell what’s going on this time. To be on the safe side, could you open the Charts app and sign in using an incognito window in Chrome? Just press Ctrl + Shift + N when in the Chrome browser.

Kind Regards,