Import file from simbriedf to x plane fms

Can you help me out ? What is the path I need with simbrief downloader to put the flight plan in the q 400 fms just cant get the right path .


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I am not aware of an X-Plane default Q 400. Is this an addon aircraft?


HI Ian ; The Aircraft is from Fly jSim handled through X Plane , I usually fly small GA aircraft thought I would give this one a try , but I cant figure out the path for the downloader to put the flight plan into the Aircraft.

Thanks Ian ; hope you can help


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Are you using the “new” Q4XP or the old Q400 “legacy” version?



Hi Tim ; It is the FlyjSim version for X Plane 11,just updated it a month ago .

Most likely the default X-Plane folder for those, i.e. X-Plane/Output/FMS Plans

I don’t have the Q4XP, but I suspect it comes with a manual that hopefully covers this.



Thanks Tim will give it a try

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