I still have the issue
I am now on airac 2401 in MSFS and Prosim AR and still have a decay.
Please help.
I am the LFMT PESIM dev.
Just to be sure i tried to change ILS setting to be on Magnetic heading but i still have a samll decay.
I have noticed also an issue with magnetic Heading.
On charts : final CRS is 303
On RAD NAV , it programs CRS 304 , maybe it comes from here
Once again , my friend with all the same as me in term of airacs have no issues with the Fenix
I am little bit lost.
Can you please verify your aircas for Prosim AR 1.65
Then the CRS in your last airacs for runway ILS 30R at LFMT
Can you please tell me if Magvar is requested and where to find it in charts as well as how to set it in MSFS cause it isn’t the same as P3D it seems
Thanks a lot