KTPA STAR DADE S8 is not up to date.
It has listed as DADE S6. Cycle 2113.
Sorry, but on your screenshot of our chart app, I also see the DADAS8. So which IFR chart is now not up to date?
The MCDU does not have that.
Maybe you can help with this problem???
Did you install the AIRAC 2113 navdata into xplane?
You are using a airac cycle 2103 which is from around March last year that’s why you see DADES6 in the FMS.
Thank you. It usually indicates when it is out of date?
Depending upon the FMS it will tell you if it is out of date. But, in general, 2103 means the third iteration in 2021 and they’re updated monthly.
For instance, here is the 737 FMS