I get an ERROR 404 in my AVITAB Zibo

Yes mismatch with certificate . i had ESET OFF and even than it occured. But thanks: on the right track now: Server Error in ‘/’ Application.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a “web.config” configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its “mode” attribute set to “Off”.

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the “defaultRedirect” attribute of the application’s configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

Again Erwin, please check your system first … we go around in circles but it´s clear, that all this issues are local issues and has nothing to do with our services. Again, it´s working on the mobile and you confirm that also. Sorry, but there is a mismatch on your systems and you should try to fix it first before you make any new tests which results possible in some new/other strange error-message.

Thank you very much

i get host mismatch on mobile too now…

Certificate fault…( on mobile)

Erwin, you see you have an issue … it´s strange that sometimes it´s working, sometimes not … like randomly. I highly recommend you order support from a professional IT company which can check your system and possible which can help you to fix your issues, with certificates, security, virus-defender, …

We don´t have any issue on your side because as I wrote, when we would have one, than you can believe me, the forum will be full of reports but there is nothing.

So, again - please fix your systems first. We can´t help you any longer because there are so many yes and no´s, working and suddenly not working in your postings that it´s hard to follow you. Please, please get your system checked by a professional.

Thank you very much & good luck

Ian , Is this oké? Just a question

see screengrab of My subscription : 'https://navigraph.com/account/subscription

No … that´s still not ok … here your subscription details (I have whited some informations):

Please send me a screenshot of your Profile (under “Your Account → Profil”) - but please via PM (private message).

Thank you,

Thanks for this clear explanation Stephen.

Can you please check if this is oke than!?: see attached screengrab of https://navigraph.com/account/subscription : it says :

You have no active subscriptions

greetings , Erwin

Erwin, you have a valid subscription with your hawky007 account (see my screenshot above). So it´s not ok and something is still wrong on your side.

Please send me a screenshot of your profile (in your subscription-screenshot the first point after “Your Account” on the left side) via a private message - not here directly.

I will check, when I login with your credentials, if I can reproduce your issue.

Thank you,

This is what i see…

Erwin, it´s hard, when you are not able to follow instructions … I have wrote:
under “Your Account” → “Profile” (on the left side, the first point on the top after “Your Account”)

Here a screenshot what I need … it´s the red-underlined point called “Profile”. Click on that and send me a screenshot what you see on your display but please via private message directly to me, not here in the public forum.

Thank you,

So it crossed another . Show me how to send an PM than plz?

Click on my Alias-name right of my photo:

After that you see a small window. On the first you see an “envelope” with Message - click on it

… now you can write me the PM


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