p.s. Navigraph simlink re-installed temporarely solved the problem. But during my flight FAKN -FQBR searching for charts FQBR … 1st got message on search: "Too many results, only showing first 10 " and than …!!! no charts anymore to show so… simlink is deactivated or whatever again !! And in plugin menu getting the mesage again: ERROR: HTTP status 404.
So it WORKED but it STOPT WORKING again, while flying next flightleg…:
( Navigraph simlink re-installed temporarely solved the problem. )
But during my flight FAKN -FQBR searching for charts FQBR … 1st got message on search: Too many results, only showing first 10 and than …!!! NO charts anymore to show so simlink is deactivated or whatever again !! And in plugin menu getting the mesage again: ERROR: HTTP status 404.
Ian I suggest navigraph intruct me how to completely uninstall all navigraph stuff and re-install it.
Because also: if i try to login to Navigraph Navdata center i get : " Access Denied , this application requires an active Navigraph Subscription. "
Well i can tell you : I have a navigraph Subscription.
So something is completely wrong .
Hopefully i’ll get it running again, because my STKP couldn’t make contact to Navigraph to , while i was on descent and needed approach cherts…
Something is obviously blocking your internet access, and this is affecting all Navigraph apps and even your access to the Navigraph website. It is not an issue on our end, it is a problem local on your machine, and as such not easy for us to debug. Error 404 is a generic internet error meaning the resource could not be found, but it is working on our side so something is blocking on your end.
Reinstalling Navigraph apps will have little or no effect. The ”solution” you saw with reinstalling Simlink was probably just that something else temporarily lifted the block on your system. Your report a couple of hours ago that it suddenly started working (” IT SUDDENLY WORKS AGAIN !”) is another indication of this - we did not change anything on our side since everything is working normally here.
I would recommend you to disable your antivirus and firewall software and try again. When debugging DO NOT use Avitab or STKP, just use the Navigraph Charts desktop app or charts.navigraph.com in your browser.
In addition, on your smartphone and with mobile broadband connection, please access your Navigraph account to access your subscription status and also access charts.navigraph.com on your phone on mobile broadband and check if you are able to access all airports/charts there.
Also try the Charts iPad or Android if you have a tablet device to test on.
Only when the native Navigraph Charts apps work and the Navigraph website shows correct subscription status should to attempt STKP or Avitab.
I had contact with Stephen.
t ; i must excuse myself, becasue it really looked like a problem with my account, i couldn’t connect to charts.navigraph.com.
But after doing the same with mobile ( yesterday) i saw that it worked from that end.
I am doing a session with ESET today or tomorrow to find out what could be changed on their end.
Again, excuse me for not understanding the problem,
greetings , Erwin
This is the reacion in Microsoft Edge: Je verbinding is niet privé
Kwaadwillende gebruikers proberen mogelijk uw gegevens te stelen van subscriptions.api.navigraph.com (bijvoorbeeld wachtwoorden, berichten of creditcards).
This is the reaction in Firefox: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead
Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to subscriptions.api.navigraph.com. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
What can you do about it?
The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.
it´s something on YOUR system - all of that has nothing todo with us, nor can we do anything. You wrote:
So, you see that all that happens ONLY on your local system (PC, network, firewall, … we don´t know your exact infrastructure and it doesn´t help in this case, when it´s working via mobile). Also, when you look around here in the forum, do you see any issue like this … none, no one has an issue reported like you have. In the worst case, when you can´t solve it by your own or by any help of any other IT company, I would recommend to re-install your OS. Again, our services are running as expected, we don´t see any issue in our server-logs, we don´t receive any issues from any other customer, nothing …
So, please contact your IT support which can help you to find out what happened on your system. As you have confirmed, no issue when you use all of that via mobile - so it must be any other reason which we can´t solve. Sorry.