I can no longer view charts in flypad

I can no longer view charts in flypad,I have purchased a member with chart function,and I have two simbrief accounts。One has a service and the other has no paid service。Coincidentally, my EFB is bound to an account without payment service, and I can’t change the account in flyipad, so I can’t find the QR code of the bound account。This makes it impossible to use the chart function. The FBW version I am running is 0.7.4 experimental

Supplementary note: I have changed the stable version and modified the simbrief ID in mcdu. Simbrief ID is also changed in flypad. Change to payment account. But it still didn’t work. I finally changed to the experimental version
It is still impossible to unbind accounts that have not paid before, and it is impossible to change them into paying accounts



To avoid confusion, I suggest you delete the Simbrief and Navigraph accounts which do not have a subscription. You should be able enter the Simbrief username with the subscription into the FBW Flypad.
