I am missing my Shortcut on my toolbar for MSFS 2020

I recently purchased the ultimate plan for my CRJ. I watched the installation videos because I am new to charts and I want to learn more about creating my own flight plans and using all the features in the craft for a more immersive gameplay. It looked really easy since I had MSFS 2020 Windows edition, I turned off my firewalls with McAfee before I downloaded anything and turned off my VPN for a sec while it downloaded. It knows I am signed in , but when I opened MSFS I just wanted to see the Star on my tool bar. After 4 failed attempts and You tube vids later where I am dense as a bag of flour trying to figure this out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated and I am grateful for the many “how to” on the website



Do you mean the Navigraph Charts In-Game-Panel ?

If so, you need to install this using Navigraph Navdata Center:

You would also install the Navigraph AIRAC Cycle and CRJ updates there.


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Thank you , it was not easy to find on the sight until you gave me the link. All works well now. Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying.


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