I recently purchased the ultimate plan for my CRJ. I watched the installation videos because I am new to charts and I want to learn more about creating my own flight plans and using all the features in the craft for a more immersive gameplay. It looked really easy since I had MSFS 2020 Windows edition, I turned off my firewalls with McAfee before I downloaded anything and turned off my VPN for a sec while it downloaded. It knows I am signed in , but when I opened MSFS I just wanted to see the Star on my tool bar. After 4 failed attempts and You tube vids later where I am dense as a bag of flour trying to figure this out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated and I am grateful for the many “how to” on the website
Do you mean the Navigraph Charts In-Game-Panel ?
If so, you need to install this using Navigraph Navdata Center:
You would also install the Navigraph AIRAC Cycle and CRJ updates there.
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Thank you , it was not easy to find on the sight until you gave me the link. All works well now. Thank you for your help
You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.
Happy flying.
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