How To Update/Add Data For FLYJSIM 727

Hello: I have the FLYJSIM 727 which I purchased a while back but never used but have now started flying. I use the Flight Factor 767 and the Rotate MD80 on XP-11 and manually download the AIRINC updates and install into the appropriate NavData folders. I cannot figure out where to add the FLYJSIM in the data manager so it appears along with the 767 & MD80. Additionally, what format would be selected in Simbrief to save a F/P in the correct extension (.txt .fpl, etc.) which I could then save in the routes folder?

Thank you.

You need to update the simulator’s data itself (X-Plane 11 presumably) if you’re using the default FMS or the CIVA.

Similarly, you would use the X-Plane11/12 .fms format and place it in X-Plane/Output/FMS Plans/ to use it in the default FMS or CIVA, I think.



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I hadn’t known that, Tim. I hope that helps the OP.

Thanks for the inside information and your support here in the forum over the year. :blush:

Merry Christmas,

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Thank you for the quick reply. Appears I now have been able to update the Nav Data and load a flight plan. I assume there is no “map” option on the 727 as on more modern aircraft where the route of flight along with waypoints, etc. are displayed.
Thank you again.

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