How to load a Simbrief f-pln into the.CDU of the Asobo B787-10 in MSFS2024

Can you pls advise ?
RTE Request is not available on the CDU.

Using the SimBrief Dispatch Beta addon, you can import the latest Generated SimBrief flight plan into the FMC .


I tried again yesterday while using the Asobo B787-10.
Why doesn’t the Import F-pln function populate the Flight Planner? Which is from where the Send to Avionics can be used to populate the CDU Route function.

I just created a flight YMML-YSSY in the SimBrief Dispatch Beta in MSFS 2024 B787-10 , Generated and Imported plan. It was loaded into World Map, MSFS Flight Planner and the FMC:


Thank you for your quick response ?
Did you create it from within the EFB?

My f-pln was created on my external laptop, and accessed from within the EFB.

  1. I generated the f-pln on my laptop
  2. I launched MSFS 2024 and opened free flight
  3. I tried the import f-pln from the EFB, both before starting flight and during preflighting
  4. Simbrief said : f-pln imported but…
  5. when I switch to Flight Planner, only the departure airport is populated.

I am trying to figure out what I did wrong.

My original plan was created and generated in SimBrief Dispatch Beta in the EFB. I have now created and generated a plan YMML-YPAD on my laptop, and imported this plan via SimBrief Dispatch Beta in the EFB on my FS machine.

Again It was loaded into World Map, MSFS Flight Planner and the FMC.

My MSFS 2024 is v (current release version)

In Navigraph Hub, try Remove/Install of all MS2024 entries, and restart machine.


I don’t understand why it does not happen with mine. :thinking:
Even the route does not display on the map of the EFB.
Could you remind me the exact name of the beta flight dispatch tool as it appears in the Navigraph hub? So that I can ensure I have it installed ?

Hi Ian,
I removed/reinstalled the app.
And happy to confirm it now works correctly.
Thank you very much,