How do I revert my data back to default after sub ended?

Tried to uninstall my older nav data in the navigraph hub, but my sub has ended, and I got an access denied error.

The data can also be used after your subscription ended, so you don’t need to uninstall it.

To install the default cycle you must re-install the addon because every addon has another default cycle.

I hope that helps

Im not sure it helps. I havent uninstalled the navigraph hub. However, when I try to run it, I get an error message saying access denied. I am therefore prevented into the hub app so I can uninstall the nav cycle.

Hi again,
I haven’t spoken about the hub. You don’t need the Hub any longer because as you have figured out, when the subscrption ended you have no access.

So you don’t need to uninstall anything because you can use your latest cycle, which you have installed during your subscription time.

When you need to revert back to the default dataset of the addon, than you must re-install the addon.

Hope its clearer now

Ah. May I as a customer please voice my dislike for this solution? I dont understand why you’ve made this process such a hassle. The easier, more customer-friendly solution would have been to let me access the hub and uninstall the cycle and deny me access to update to next cycle.


Thank you for the suggestion which we shall consider for a Hub enhancement. However it is not trivial so it will likely take considerable time and effort to implement.

In the meantime Richard’s suggestion of reinstalling the addon is the quickest and most reliable method.

Thank you for re-subscribing.


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