GNS 430 and magknight


  1. I cannot see how to create a topic on here
  2. My last downloaded airac was 2010 according to my GNS340 folder, but I have used the Navigraph manager and it shows I have now downloaded 2013. The aircraft magknight 789 still shows Data out of date. Please advise why having downloaded into the correct folder in Manager the update is not in fact there

My last update was 2010 and that was put in a GNS folder and in the x-plane data folder as my magknight 789 does not use the gns. Although the Navigraph Manager says it has updated to 2013 there are no updated file in my folders and the 789 FMS says the date is out of date. It looks as if it has failed to update properly since 2010. Before that it worked ok. Please advise

As usual; when I get fed up and post a query, I then find the answer !
I had to delete the content of the folder then re-update.
Also, I instigated the search option and it created 2 new automatic download destinations based on the aircraft it found, so it hopefully will update correctly from now on.


Welcome to our new forum.

Thank you for the update and for clicking solution.


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