In FMC, the current airac is 2402, but when I go to departure or arrival, the SID/STARs do not appear.
do you mean, all SIDs/STARs - or do you mean at a specific airport? What sim do you use?
Yes all SIDs/STARs. I use Prepar3D v5
Hi again,
two requests:
Please can you make a screenshot of your FMS ident page, to confirm that you have installed the current AIRAC cycle
Please can try to remove all cycles prior 2402 using the FSL Control Center?
Thank you,
… you need to select a runway first. Try to select a runway and look, if you see the terminal procedures than.
But it looks, your runways are missing - right? When you select any other airport, can you select runways?
When I select another airport, no I cannot select runways.
Could you post a snapshot showing the contents of the \FSLabs\NavData folder.
You have a missing file with suffix .lst
Try a repair or reinstall the FSL