FSiPanel update not staying updated

NH shows 2501r2 “update” in green I click on it and it changes to “updating” and then “remove”
if I then close and open NH again the same update says it needs updating.

I’ve tried uninstalling NH and reinstalling it. I#ve tried uninstalling the update completely and re-installing it but everytime I go back in the fsipanel addon says it needs updating.
All other addons are fine.


Could you please check if your Windows user has ownership of the Microsoft Flight Simulator Community folder? If not, please grant yourself the necessary read and write permissions to the folder. Once you’ve done that, reinstall the Charts Panel for Microsoft Flight Simulator from the Navigraph Hub application.

If you encounter any issues with the Navigraph product, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Thank You!

Best Regards,
Vishal Ahir

Permissions are correct I am the only user and I am also Admin. This has not been an issue until now.
I have followed all the steps you mentioned although I’m not sure what the charts panel has to do with the FSiPanel addon not updating. As you can see the problem stilll persists.

Hi Brian,
Can you please try to update it again? I made a small update so that the Hub identified the revision. Please let me know if it´s fixed now or not.

Thank you very much,

Well done Richard all good now :+1:

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Great, Brian—thank you very much. The issue was the revision number. Internally, I haven´t increased the revision number. So it was still #1, but in the Hub, we have set it to #2 (because we updated the files shortly after the release), which has caused this situation.

Hub revision number <> file revision number

Sorry for that, and thanks for your feedback!


No worries and thanks for the explanation. I’ll let someone else know on the FSiPanel forum.

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