Why does FS Hud show cycle 2101 by default… whereas in SimBrief without subscription the cycle is the same as last year’s 2203… ?! What does this have to do with? And why without subscription Navigraph or FS Hud does not offer cycle last year’s 2203? But offers the completely obsolete two year old 2101?
because SimBrief is our own product and FSHud an external one. We offer an outdated one-year cycle to all 3rd party addon developer, starting with the first release.
For more details, please look here:
Hope that helps,
Am I correct in assuming that the cycle will be 2101 for third-party developers and 2203 for their products (e.g. simbrief) without a subscription?
No, or partly no … the default cycles are normally depending on the first release date of the addon minus 1 year (approx. +/- 1 till 3,4 cycles). So, AIRAC 2101 is for FSHud the default cycle but that doesn´t mean for other addons too.
For our products we have normally no default cycle, because we offer always the current/effective cycle … we may not offer/publish older/outdated cycles in our products. SimBrief is special in this enviroment because we have decided to let SimBrief open for all as freeware and therefore AIRAC 2203 as the default cycle.
So it makes sense to communicate with FS Hud technical support to get them to apply the 2203 cycle for free? After all, this is the one year old one
No, because it´s not allowed to update default cycles … the default cycles in each addon are static and may not be changed or updated.
And you can’t even apply cycle 2203 by default?
Correct, no … sorry
So cycle 2101 will forever remain in third-party addons?
Why then in the same third-party aircraft or in the MSFS 2020 simulator can I put any cycle available to me?
For FSHud yes - till a complete new version comes out, then we will talk again with FSHud how we and if we can help to support FSHud in the same way as now. Such “limitiations” will be discussed very cleary before the 3rd party developer starts with the implementation. So that´s not new …
Because here, you have the possibility to backup the files by your own, that´s not possible in FSHud but that´s per design in FSHud and has nothing todo with us. FSHud has decided to distribute the data via his own service and it looks that this service doesn´t have the possibility for the end-user to backup and re-use the data locally as in nearly 99% of all other addons.
So I guess it’s just a matter of principle FS Hud? No one is stopping them from doing the AIRAC update in the same way as many third-party addons, including MSFS 2020?
Right, absolutely correct …
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