Hi again,
yes, the postings will be closed automatically after a period of time. I have now merged your posting with this “initial” posting and have re-open to avoid double postings.
As I have written, we offer every addon-developer a free/outdated (1-Y) dataset as initial dataset for “day-one” of the addon. That helps the addon developer to offer a real-world complete navigational database from the largest data provider Jeppesen/Boeing and also of course us in our business case.
This first database will not be updated during the life-cycle of the addon and we also communicate this very clear to the devs before. Also, we talk about the file-/data specifications and how the data can be distributed. In this case the FSHud developer follows a complete other way as most of the other addon developer. He has decided to use his own system for the distribution and also the data handling.
A second aspect why we can´t update databases (even when outdated) is our contract with Jeppesen/Boeing. We, as Navigraph, may not offer outdated data or may not offer updates of outdated data on a regular base - when you (as customer) backup the data and use the old backups in the future, we can´t do anything.
The last aspect is, when we would do this for FSHud, we must do the same for all other 3rd party addons which we provide too due be fair against the other developers.
Hope that helps, to understand why we may not and why we cannot offer here an exception. Sorry!
PS: SimBrief is a Navigraph product, so under our own hood