Using MSFS 202 with Beta 24 but there are issues both in MSFS and in Navigraph Charts Airport Popups. This affect KFHR *Friday Harbor) and KBVS (Skagit Regional)
Looking at the Airport popups both KFHR and KBVS show on Comms tab:
AWOS, 121.125 MHz
ASO, 135.675 MHz
The actual Jeppesen charts are correct in showing
KFHR only has the ASOS at 135.675 MHz
KBVS only has the AWOS at 121.125 MHz
Not sure why the Comms tab show both frequencies and why it does not completely match the Jeppeson charts for both airports. The otehr frequencies appear to be correct.
On top not sure if the Navigraph beta updates frequencies for each airport but for KFHR there is no weather on 135.675. That frequency seems to be missing. There is also no option for weather from the MSFS Radio ATC while on the ground at KFHR. In fact for some reason MSFS 2020 treats the CTAF for KFHR (128.250 MHz) as a tower/ground frequency. This frequency is a common CTAF for all airports in the San Juan Islands (i.e. KORS - Orcas island, 74S - Anacortes, etc). There are notes that the 128.25 is monitored intermittently but that does not mean that it is a towered airport.