Frequencies EHGG

Hello, just took an abo on FMS data for XPL11. AIRAC Cycle 2209. Installation was quick in XPL11 and in LittleNavmap 2.6.19. My home airfield in the Netherlands is Eelde EHGG but the frequencies from this airfield is still outdated. How can I fix this to reflect the actual frequencies? Thanks. Kind regards, Bernard

Hi Bernard,
and welcome at Navigraph.

We donĀ“t update the airport-frequencies in XP11 (there is no possibility todo that) - this is part of the stock sceneries. Therefore please report this to X-Plane via the X-Plane Airport Scenery Gateway - more information about this and how you can submit a ticket do you find here

Hope that helps, but this is not an issue what we can fix - sorry

Top, Thanks a lot for the quick response. I will do that. Kind regards, Bernard

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