Simbrief will not accept the FQM3 STAR into KEWR. If I put FQM3 into my route, I get a red error message saying “Fix or airway FQM3 not found”. This despite the fact that the FQM3 arrival is found in several of SimBrief’s own suggested flight plans into KEWR. AIRAC 2410 is active.

I have not yet tried manually entering the FQM3 arrival into the FMS of any of my Navigraph-enabled add-on aircraft to see if this same problem affects aircraft core NavData or is something specific to SimBrief.

Hi, for context you have entered the following route:

It isn’t possible to enter a waypoint after the STAR, the STAR should be the last thing in your route. If you remove TETER the STAR should be recognized.

Best regards,

Thank you, that worked

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