I’ve trouble preparing a flight in FF B757 XP in that I found that the FMS database was out of date. I’d used the Data Manager to install 2301 and found that it had updated the FF 757 ‘Navdata’ file but inside the ‘Custom Data’ file was the previous AIRAC copy under ‘Proc’. I’ve attached two screenshots of my existing file structure and I was wondering;
1: why I’ve got two files labelled ‘Proc’, one under the XP11\aircraft\navdata’ folder and another under under ‘Custom Data’ in the XP11 main folder structure?
2: Do I need both files and can I delete something. e.g. the ‘Proc’ files in ‘Custom Data’?
There are some folders in incorrect places. I think it might be expedient to create a new X-Plane 11 copy and use the latest FMS Data Manager to update it. Rather than two X-Plane 11 levels, I would have just one X-Plane directory:
F:\X-Plane 11.
navdata\navdata looks wrong, but I removed f:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Boeing767-300ER\data\ and it was reinstated when I again ran X-Updater-Client.jar. So it seems to be part of initial installation. It has 2017 Navigraph navigational data, so not needed if you have updated.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all software writers had to use a common FMS database and file format?
Here’s a ‘wild blue sky’ suggestion for you, Stefan and everyone at Navigraph! Ask Austin Meyers to implement this in XP12, and announce that for XP11 all users will have to change their directory file structure into a new common one so that there’s only one download file format and it all goes into say, ‘Custom Data’.
As regards the above, please remember I’m not a computer techie, and that I just pushed airplanes around the skies over here!