Flight list in Charts 8

On the list of flights, could I suggest?

a. Sort option by name in addition to the default which I suspect is by date
b. Option to toggle between name only and name + detail
c. Search bar

These suggestions regarding import will be less important if v7 flights can be converted to v8.

d. Allow import of multiple flights from exported flight plans
e. Warn or reject imports that duplicate an existing flight, e.g. “KLAX to KSFO”

There are a lot of things I like about the new version of Charts - the auto pinboard, the selection through the procedures tab on the airport and the VFR charting. It looks it will be a great step forward with a bit of fine-tuning.


Thank you for suggestions.

We are working on a facility to migrate flight plans from Charts V7.

Sort options for flight plans will follow in a further update.

Thank you for positive feedback.
