Feelthere Embraer Regional Jets v2 P3Dv5

Good afternoon,

I’m new to Prepar3d, as my first purchase is P3Dv5.3. With that, I fly the ERJ-145 in real life. I saw the Feelthere Embraer Regional Jets v2 that was republished for P3Dv4. I downloaded it in hopes that it would work, and it works fine.

My question is, is there any way to get the latest Navigraph Database “2201 rev 1” into the Feelthere ERJ for P3Dv5? I’ve tried to find out how to install the database manually, but have not been successful. Thank you!

Kindest regards,
Jamie Brown

Hi Jamie,

Welcome and thank you signing your first post with your name.

Yes, you should download and install the FMS Data Manager.

Follow the default prompts and you should find the following entry:

Select the entry and press Update

You should the installation occur in the status bar bottom left.

Please let us know how you get on.


Hi Ian,

Thank you for responding, this isn’t for the E-Jets v3 though, this is for the ERJ-145 that was republished only in Prepar3d v4. The exact name of the product in the FMS Data Manager is Feelthere Embraer Regional Jets v2/Embraer E-Jets v2. It provides updates up to P3D v4, but I was wondering if there is a way to get it into Prepar3d v5?

Thank you!

Hi Jamie,

I am not aware that Embraer Regional Jets v2/Embraer E-Jets v2 is supported in P3Dv5? Hence why it isn’t supported and detecting it in Navigraph FMS Data Manager.

If it does work, I guess you could try manual mapping the FMS Data install on an unsupported basis.

In FMS Data Manager Addon Mappings , press +Add, for Please Select an Addon… choose Feelthere Embraer Regional Jets v2/Embraer E-Jets v2, for Install into…, choose User Defined Folder with …your P3Dv5\Feelthere.

Alternatively use FMS Navdata Manual Installation, overriding P3D v4\Feelthere with P3Dv5\Feelthere.


Hello Ian,

I do not believe it is supported in P3Dv5, which may be why it isn’t working. I have done the user defined P3Dv5\Feelthere, however it does not show up in the sim. Disappointing, was hoping to make this work. Let me know if there’s anything I’m not thinking of!


Hi Jamie,

I guess you could ask in the P3D forum if they plan to add P3Dv5 support to Embraer Regional Jets v2/Embraer E-Jets v2. Given the time since P3Dv5 was released in APR 2020, I don’t think it likely.


Hi Ian,

I will definitely try, I appreciate it!


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