I have upgraded my feelthere ejets E175/195/170/190 to the new
sp3 version for P3D v4.5 and after trying to install the airac cycle 2016
using both the Navigraph FMS data manager and manual install the installation
is not working. I am doing both these applications if Admin.
When I check the Nd folder all I have is cycle_info.txt, cycle.json, and nd.db3 files.
When I load the plane it defaults to the 1 June - 30 June 19 cycle
I would appreciate any help as the Feelthere support says it is a problem with
the Navigraph installer so I thought I would ask here to see if you can
help with this
I am just wondering if any one from navigraph moderates this forum , my post has been here for 3 days now and not a moderator or administrator has given any kind of response.
sorry for the delay of this answer. A collegue of mine and I, we have spoken in the morning about this posting and I have told him, that I will answer. Sorry for that.
Can you told me, where you have find the data files?
Also, when you open the cycle.txt file (simple with a notepad or similar else), which cycle number you see in the file?
No, that´s not correct … you have Feelthere EJets\FeelThere\Nd … the Nd folder must directly under Feelthere EJets … there is a Feelthere to much. Move the Nd folder under Feelthere EJets
The correct path should be in your case: C:\Users\Gene\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FeelThere EJets\Nd
… in this folder, all the files must be located, then it´s working.
I just loaded up the E175 and I am still getting the same result.
The active database is showing 03Jan 30Jan 19
I checked and the path to the nb folder is
C:\Users\Gene\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FeelThere EJets\Nd
In addition I redownloaded the manual install file to make sure I had the proper one and that did not improve the problem
I am going to uninstall the ejets and install them in the main p3d folder instead of where they are now and try again to update the airac and will get back to you with the new results
Well that fixed the problem. For some reason the install in the p3d addon
folder was not compatible with the airac installer. I appreciate all of the effort
to fix this problem but for now I will just go with the traditional installation of this
airplane as long as all works well.