Feature request: Update weather - button


I would be delighted it Charts had a button which would update new predicted weathers for next hours. Like in the screenshots, now 1 hours steps up to 0900z. After that in 3 hour periods. New “1 hour steps” will be available at approx 0900z. Currently if want to refresh weather, have to restart whole Charts, and maybe just to find out that no new weathers yet.

So if possible, update-button for weathers would nice and much more functional and user friendly.

Hello! Thanks for the feedback!

The weather should reload automatically if you close the weather function and then open it again. No need to restart the app!

We are looking into ways of improving this for future updates.

Kind Regards,

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Well this one I haven’t noticed. If that’s so, then very good already. :blush:

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@skysail Well, update to this thread… just had a check and it doesn’t update the weather when I close and reopen Weather-function. :man_shrugging:

Hello again!

It does, I just checked. How did you conclude that it is not refreshing? Which layer are you looking at?

This is not a Navigraph limitation, it’s how these forecasts are published. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you want to happen with a “refresh” - could you clarify?

Kind Regards,