Weather layers don't update as time passes

When pressing the “now” button on the weather time scale, it simply falls back to the moment when the weather layers were first opened and doesn’t sync with current time

PS. This might be something similar to as mentioned here… Feature request: Update weather - button

I’m having the same exact problem. Even if I close out weather layers and turn them back on it will still not update the radar to the current Zulu time. Every now and then if I hit the play button to watch the animation and then hit the NOW button it will then update to the current Zulu time but this happens randomly as well.

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there also hasnt been an update to the app in 2 months so maybe theyve fixed it but itll be in the next release…hopefully that next version comes out soon

Hello! Thanks for the feedback!

Indeed, this should be fixed internally and will be out with the next update. The team is now returning from summer vacation, so the update isn’t far away!

Kind Regards,

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awesome to hear, we all need some time away from work

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