I’m aware that this issue has been discussed here back in July 2024. This issue is still not fixed.
When doing an ILS approach into RWY 30L @ OMDB, the glideslope is faulty as it takes you over the Threshold @ 100ft.
I had contacted inibuilds and they mentioned that Aircraft that use navigraph navdata will override their custom ILS. I then contacted Fenix since i mostly use Fenix and reported this issue and Fenix asked me to check if this issue occurs in other aircrafts as well so i tested with PMDG 737-800 and yes, the issue was present their as well. I reported this to Fenix and they said that it seems to be be a navigraph navdata issue rather than Fenix issue.
This issue is quite fraustrating as it ruins the immersion, realism & fun while landing at one of the worlds busiest airport. Is this issue still being worked on? Is their any fix that we can expect? Its been a very long time since this issue was first reported and its disapointing to not see it fixed till now.
I have tested the ILS 30R at OMDB with the stock scenery and the FBW A320 (the latest stable version) and AIRAC 2501 installed and I can´t reproduce it.
Thanks for doing the test and replying to my post. Even though you did the test on 30R instead of 30L, I still went ahead and removed the inibuilds OMDB and did the same test on default OMDB 30L with Fenix A320 and as you mentioned in your post, I was also not able to recreate the issue using the default OMDB. This issue only occurs when I have iniBuilds OMDB installed.
So after talking to all 3 parties (iniBuilds, Fenix & Navigraph) - It’s quite obvious now that it’s inibuild’s OMDB causing this issue.
I’m not a scenery expert but i think the runway is wrongly placed on the iniBuilds scenery. It probably needs to be a little forward in order to match the glideslope TCH for ILS landing.