FAQ - Simlink Reset

If you experience login difficulties or intermittent errors, you can perform a Simlink reset as follows:

In case of wrong proxy settings applied to Simlink.

  1. Close running Simlink and flight Simulators

  2. To open the Simlink configuration file .settings
    a) Press the Win+R key. This will open a window like,

    b) Type %appdata% and press the “OK” button.
    c) Go to <APPDATA>\Navigraph\Charts folder and open the.settings file using a text editor like notepad.

  3. Remove the [proxy] session from the .settings file and save it.

  4. Run Simlink and try to log in again.

  5. Done.

If Simlink is not able to log in, there may be a configuration file corrupted. To fix this you need to reset the Simlink configuration as below:

  1. Close any running Simlink and Flight Simulators

  2. Open the Simlink configuration folder Navigraph from the APPDATA folder.

  3. Back up the Navigraph folder and delete it.

  4. Start the Simlink application. This will create a new configuration folder Navigraph with default settings.

  5. Try to login to the Simlink application.

  6. Done
