FAQ - Navigraph Hub could not find/access simulator

Hi guys,

If you get the could not find/access simulator-message (but you have the simulator installed :wink: ) it means that the app for some reason could not access either the file UserCfg.opt or the navdata-package itself.

You find the UserCfg.opt file in these places:

  • If installed from Microsoft Store: %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt
  • If installed from Steam: %appdata%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt

Navigate to this file, right-click it, choose properties and verify that the file
permissions look like this:

Also, open the file and make sure that the last row has an “InstalledPackagesPath”-entry that points to the path where your Community folder is installed.

Here is something to be aware of. The simulator proposes a default path in AppData to install the packages into. It is possible in the installation of the simulator to choose a custom path, if you rather would have all the packages on a separate SSD.

What the simulator does not tell you is that the reason it uses AppData as default is that AppData is a Windows standard folder where applications can write without elevated privileges. If you choose an alternative location you absolutely must choose a path which all applications can read just like AppData (with the same file permissions) otherwise Navigraph Hub will not be able to function without admin privileges. Please verify that the directory where your Community folder resides, and the Community folder itself has the same permissions as AppData for your user:

If there already is a navigraph-navdata and/or navigraph-maintenance folders inside the Community-folder, delete them as well as the file permissions could have been corrupted.

Finally, don’t run Navigraph Hub at the same time as the simulator is running as it will lock these files as well.

This should most probably solve your problems, if not then just write back with your results :slight_smile:

The Navigraph Tem

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