FAQ - MSFS Importing SimBrief flight plans into the Fenix A320 MCDU

Here is a guide to importing SimBrief flight plans into the Fenix A320 MCDU:

  1. Optionally, set up a new SimBrief aircraft profile (maybe from here):
  2. In EFB Settings page ensure you have set the SIMBRIEF USERNAME to your SIMBRIEF Pilot ID
  3. Fire up the sim and power up aircraft electrical systems
  4. On the main MCDU MENU, click FMGC > SEC F-PLN (button) > INIT > INIT REQUEST*, wait for AOC SEC F-PLN UPLINK message
  5. Click on SEC F-PLN (button) again, and > AOC F-PLN INSERT*, wait for UPLINK completion,
    then > *ACTIVATE SEC
