FALE - ILS info problem

I have just bought FSDG’s Durban Airport for P3D v5. I also have Aivlasoft’s EFB and subscribe to FMS Data from yourselves.

I’m having a problem with the ILSs for both 06 and 24. Aivlasoft reports “LS outdated” for 06 and “No LOC available” for 24.

But checking the real-world airport data the info in the AFCAD supplied with this airport appears correct.

Could you confirm FALE has correct ILS data please?

The frequencies look correct for PMDG Ray:

KING SHAKA INTL FALE06 12139062-29.625053 31.107747111.3006200304
KING SHAKA INTL FALE24 12139242-29.598489 31.130878109.7024200304

Have you checked the ILS identifiers in the afcad using Herve’s Airport Inspector and if necessary updating from its airac.


Hi Stephen. Thanks for your reply. Yes, Herve’s data mirrors what the AFCAD shows. I even disabled FSDG Durban and just used the default with Herve’s updated ILS data for FALE.

Still got the same problem in Aivlasoft which does use real-world data from that supplied by Navigraph. The problem does appear to lie with the Navigraph data.

Cannot see an issue initially with P3D updated with Herve’s airac, ILS data looks correct:

Agreed and the localiser and glideslope comes alive. But look at what Aivlasoft reports…

You rebuilt the EFB database?

Do not have the issue here:

That’s weird. Yes, Database has been scanned. What file is selected on the Overview tab for FALE? I have 0705\scenery\APX56420.bgl second after the FSDG file.

Looking in that folder it’s updated by Herve’s utility and has his backup.

The 06 ILS shows TNI, 111.30.
The 24 ILS shows TGI, 109.70.

I’m clealy doing something wrong but don’t know what.

The same file Ray, the backup version shows an error in AIE ( missing ILS ) but the airac 2409 version is ok


Here’s mine. Could you load it into EFB please and report your findings.

If it’s okay then it suggests I have a file for FALE somwhere in my Aivlasoft setup that’s conflicting. But I can’t fine anything.
Back in a couple of hours after the football.

Copied your file in place, ran the EFB database builder, restarted EFB and no issue at FALE

I’m running P3D v5.3HF2 but I can’t see that being relative. And I’m sure we’re both on the latest version of EFB.

I have a request. Would you link in as a Remote User and see if you can spot where the problem lies? I’d be very grateful.

Tomorrow morning convenient?

Steve, One thing I find odd in your screenshot of FALE ILSs is Rwy 06 has a heading of 244 degrees and 24 is 064.

Shouldn’t those be the other way around?

I’ve tried with both the FSDG AFCAD and Herve’s updated one but the results are the same. I’ve also downloaded and installed the NavData for 2409/R1 but the problem persists.

I’ve searched for FALE in the MyDocuments\Aivlasoft\EFB2 subfolders and nothing untoward shows.

I know you’re unavailable until later today. Look forward to hearing from you.

The problem with Aivlasoft EFB is it doesn’t tell you what it doesn’t like. If the differences between what it expected and what was in my scenery files was shown it would make the problem far easier to resolve.

@Ian , sorry to tag you but I was wondering if you could tell me what the ILS details are for Durban (FALE) for runways 06 and 24 as held in the Navigraph database. That would certainly help me resolve this really baffling problem.


Okay, I’ve finally solved it. The 3rd party AFCAD had the primary runway as 24 instead of 06.

Once I corrected that and ensured the ILSs had the correct IDs and frequencies Aivlasoft accepted and displayed the Arrival info correctly.

I was tearing my hair out as I’ve been using EFB for years. Sadly the author has retired so the forum is no longer available where valuable info can be found.

Steve, thanks for your assistance. You can enjoy your Sunday now. :grinning:

One final lesson. Never trust 3rd party AFCADs. Always check them!

Hi Stephen,

Thank you very much for you considerable assistance in this and other threads. :slight_smile:


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