Error with addon not in the Community Folder

Dear all,

The addons I use on the regular basis are in the Community Folder and I have no problem in updating the Airac. This is the case for my PDMG 737-700.

I have other addons on a second SSD and they are linked to the Community Folder using MSFS_Addon_Linker.

I recently bought PMDG 737-800 from PMDG and installed it on this second SSD.
Unfortunatly I cannot update its AIRAC as I always have an error message although all my permissions are correctly set.

How to proceed as I’m not really comfortable in moving all my addons on my main HD.

Thanking you in advance,

Hi! Welcome to our forum!

Did you check the file permissions of the addons on the second SSD?

The error indicates that the hub tried to read the folders but was denied by your OS, most likely due to a lack of permissions.

Search for EPERM in this forum and you will find a bunch of similar issues! Here is a solution from one of them:

Kind Regards,

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