Fly the maddog x efb not updating

updated ‘fly the maddogx’ ok but the separate ‘fly the maddogx efb’ gives an error when updating, there’s pop up saying 'EPERM operation not permitted, chmod ‘c.’


This is likely a permissions issue maybe on your Community folder. Please try Unable to update - EPERM chmod 'E .


checked permissions of community and maddog folders. reinstalled maddog and still unable to update navdata…

is there a manual method the update airac?

Hi @simunerd,

Try to delete the folder %localappdata%/Temp/Navigraph

Also try the version of Hub linked at the end of this thread: Zlib-header-length - #6 by CrazyIgor

Kind regards,


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don’t know what happened but when tried to update last night airac update worked. not sure what changed, i didn’t change anything…

i guess this problem is resolved.

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