Enhanced flight planning

We shall use your suggestion for potential enhancements and new functionality. So, please be as detailed as you can.
For SimBrief feature requests, please see Feature Requests - Navigraph

Only one issue per thread so that others can easily see what has been reported.

Can you enhance the flight planning section ?
The flight planning capabilities are poor and missing features, some already exists in SimBrief that needs integration such as: best calculated cruise altitude, aircraft management

  • Provide a list of best calculated cruise altitudes and the comparison between them in terms of wind, time, fuel, etc. For VFR this could be enhance with adding a VFR tag next to the altitude to note that the weather on this altitude along the route is comply with VFR flight rules.
  • Ability to add airways and waypoints, to the route, directly from the map (like skyvector)
  • Fetch information from NOTAMs that is relevant to the route and display on the map such as: closed airways, active no flight areas, etc.
  • VFR flight planning with intermediate stops for refuelling, for example, a route from point A to B which the selected aircraft’s fuel capacity is not enough then add airports a long the route for refuelling

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

Please read the template:

Only one issue per thread so that others can easily see what has been reported.

As for some quick answers:

  1. This sounds like it would make for a good addition to this topic: VFR Navlog
  2. This is already possible by clicking the waypoint and then “Add to route.” On the web and desktop apps, it is also possible to extend your route by dragging and dropping! Press and hold anywhere on an existing leg, and you will enter this “rubber banding” mode.
  3. This sounds like a good feature request, please create a dedicated topic
  4. We do not have the concept of a specific aircraft within our app at the current moment. Performance-based planning is planned for the future, though! Feel free to create a dedicated topic to this feature.

We really appreciate the feedback! All of these suggestions are welcome, and we only wish that you stick to the rules. I understand that these features have a common theme to you, but in essence, they are separate, and we would like to track them as such!

Thanks for understanding and again, thank you for the feedback!

Kind Regards,