We shall use your suggestion for potential enhancements and new functionality. So, please be as detailed as you can.
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Can you enhance the flight planning section ?
The flight planning capabilities are poor and missing features, some already exists in SimBrief that needs integration such as: best calculated cruise altitude, aircraft management
- Provide a list of best calculated cruise altitudes and the comparison between them in terms of wind, time, fuel, etc. For VFR this could be enhance with adding a VFR tag next to the altitude to note that the weather on this altitude along the route is comply with VFR flight rules.
- Ability to add airways and waypoints, to the route, directly from the map (like skyvector)
- Fetch information from NOTAMs that is relevant to the route and display on the map such as: closed airways, active no flight areas, etc.
- VFR flight planning with intermediate stops for refuelling, for example, a route from point A to B which the selected aircraft’s fuel capacity is not enough then add airports a long the route for refuelling