EIDW - not found SIDs/ or STARs

Using XP11 and unable to find any access to EIDW. I saw that there was a previous correspondence about this airport but I did not find an answer that could help me.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me what the problem could be?

first check if the layout airport-diagram is the same as in real-life, means at least all runways are available and the runway-idents are correct in XP11 comparing the real-world charts.

So, you should have 10L/R, 28L/R and 16/34

When this is the case, please let us know, in which addon you miss the SIDs/STARs …

Thank you very much,

Thanks for the quick response.
I did everything you suggested and the airport was updated a few months ago and I didn’t update.
Now after performing the update everything is fine.
Thanks for the response.

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