EHGG vfr approacg waypoints

VFR approach, as provided in the VFR section for EHGG is mandatory for GA traffic. As on the VFR map one can see the routing, starting at yankee and via the drawn path to november. Navigraph has restricted both waypoint being part of airways only, the drawn route is VFR only. Suggest to update usage of both waypoints.

Hi, in what add-on or simulator are you seeing this issue? SimBrief does not restrict waypoint usage on its end, did you mean to post this in Navigation Data perhaps?

Best regards,

Hi, sorry I forgot to mention the Navigraph app which is used with P3D.

Thank you for your swift response.

I check with AIP and see only 1 VFR route is in Navigraph, but somehow locked to airways.

As attachment AIP chart VFR, Red colored are VFR arrival routings and Green VFR departure routings.

Best Regards,
