EDDM-EDDL Routings


I noticed that in the suggested routes for EDDM-EDDL both the IFPS validated routes and the ATC assignes routes are, with one exception, all only available for the lower airspace and allow a maximum cruise altitude of FL240. As many people just take the first route that is shown to them, the majority of VATSIM users then files via GIVMI Y101 OSBIT Z719 BIBTA N850 GISEM Z505 ARPEG Z850 ADEMI T854 DOMUX, congesting the lower airspace near Frankfurt.

In comparison, 99 percent of real flights file either via GIVMI Y101 INBED DCT REKDI DCT LOHRE Z850 ADEMI T854 DOMUX or via INPUD Y102 TESDU T852 TINSA T854 DOMUX which allows them to climb up to FL320.

Is there a way to make these the preferred routings?

Thanks in advance

Hi, thanks for the info! I have added these routes to the database.

Best regards,

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Thank you very much. I just did some research and found out Vatsim flights immedeately shifted completely to the new Route, perfect!

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